Merry Christmas, Love the Medina Grandchildren


When I start noticing the red and green paper corners filed between the drab white edges of bills in my mail box, I know it’s Christmas time. Its a time to love, share, and go out of your way to spread a little Christmas cheer to others. Now, more than ever, I believe taking the time to handwrite a personalized letter or note and sending out a Christmas card is much more significant then our “need for a speed” online comments, posts, and tweets. Receiving a Christmas card is like getting to open a little gift before the grand finale on Christmas morning when you unwrap all your presents. I know the Medina grandparents feel the same way because they asked me to snap the shots for their annual grandkid Christmas card photo. I was tickled pink because the Medinas know how to dress up the holidays!  These kids are not only fashionistas but really know how to work the camera. They loved showing off their pearly whites and had a ball with their cousins. I could only imagine how much fun they have on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas kiddos and don’t forget to leave those cookies and milk!


Doesn’t it look like they are all trying really hard to say, “Cheese!” They are so cute!

Goldilocks? 🙂 They had way too much fun taking cute, spontaneous and of course silly shots!

Do they look like best cousins, or what?
These two little darling dolls are so GAP Kids worthy!
I had to get a shot of their bright red headbands. LOVE!

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