Katie, Hai and Hanson. Family. Los Angeles Family Photographer.

Usually the birthday boy or girl tends to favor and make a huge deal for the popular 10th,18th, 21st, 30th, and/or 50th birthdays. But the first birthday…well that’s a celebration for the parents. It’s a time to reflect back on all the struggles, triumphs, and adorably cute moments. Katie wanted to get in as many photo options and outfits as possible (along with a little cake action too!) in preparation for her son Hanson’s First Birthday. So, Katie and Hai booked a family photo session that ended with a Smash The Cake segment. I thought it was a great idea, especially because the mom and dad are going to be able to partake in the photo memories as well. Making it to that first year is definitely not just an accomplishment for the baby but for the entire family (or like they say…village).

I love hearing all the craftiness that goes into first birthdays (and I was a little on the nosy side) so I asked Katie and Hai, as I normally ask all parents, what will be the baby’s first birthday party’s theme? They replied, that instead of a birthday, they are celebrating with a trip to Maui, Hawaii. I was like, “Wow, that’s super awesome!” Although I love hearing about the cuteness of birthday parties, any type of vacation is just as fun. Since I think it’s more of a celebration for the parents, a family vacation is perfect too! (Hmm, that’s starting to give me an idea:)

Katie you looked beautiful and thank you for being so protective of my belly. Hai thank you for having so much energy especially when us ladies had you running around. Katie also brought her sister who was a super auntie and tried everything possible to help Hanson give us the best smiles. Have fun you all on your vacation and I wish Hanson the best of birthdays!

Hanson’s Swag:

The suit & suspender: churchweddingoutfits.com
Yellow candle hat: birthdayexpress.com
Tank top & shorts and blue shirt: BabyGap
Striped shorts: H&M
Red tie: etsy.com

Those lips…I can’t take this pout, it’s so cute!My favorite. I love all of their expressions!
Second favorite. Can’t you tell I loved it so much I posted a black and white and colored version.love.

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