Tag Archives: southern california family photographer

Wrap up of 2014 Sessions | Families| Los Angeles

Better late then never! How could I not share all these beautiful families? Below, are the last 2014 sessions I photographed and some of my favorite images for sure! I love the way each and every family session is at a different location, each with their own unique look that match the family perfectly. 2015-02-11_00012015-02-11_00022015-02-11_00032015-02-11_00042015-02-11_00062015-02-11_00072015-02-11_00112015-02-11_00132015-02-11_00142015-02-11_00152015-02-11_00162015-02-11_00172015-02-11_00192015-02-11_00202015-02-11_00212015-02-11_00222015-02-11_00232015-02-11_00242015-02-11_00252015-02-11_00262015-02-11_00272015-02-11_00282015-02-11_00292015-02-11_00302015-02-11_00312015-02-11_00322015-02-11_00332015-02-11_00342015-02-11_00352015-02-11_00362015-02-11_00372015-02-11_00382015-02-11_00392015-02-11_0040

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Maritza, Son & Baby Maxson. Family. Los Angeles County Family Photographer.

Maxon’s name is derived from the combination of his dad’s (Son) and grandfather’s (Max) first names. How special is that? Right! This good looking little guy just recently celebrated his first birthday and his parent’s spoiled him with an entire session dedicated to his sweet cheeks! Besides the typical dude activities, like playing ball and pushing things around, Maxson also enjoys reading a novel or two, just kidding. But, he does love books! Maxson’s parents took awesome to a whole other level by teaching in not one, not two, but there languages. Maxson is currently learning English, Spanish and Vietnamese! Rock on parents, rock on!!! One of his and his mommy’s favorites is Love You For Always. What a tear jerker (It gets me every SINGLE time)! Maritza and Son wanted to stay local so I met them up at their neighborhood park. They really enjoy their weekly walks to and from this park. Maritza also loves taking Maxson to Mommy and Me classes on Mondays. Interesting fact… Maritza and I have our littles in the same class and we didn’t even know it until the second session. Small small world! Now I’m so excited that my daughter has this adorable and photogenic little tike as her new friend. Happy, Happy First little man!

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Cam & Kristine, Annie, Isabelle & Charlie. Family. Orange County Family Photographer.

I absolutely adore all of these outta-staters that are gracing me with their sweet families. Cam & Kristine are originally from California but have planted themselves in the one of the Four Corners states, Arizona. Although they love their too hot to handle state, they often miss the breezy beaches that us Californians (like myself) often take for granted. So, while it’s 112 degrees back in AZ, Cam and Kristine will be partying and keeping it cool at his twenty-year reunion as well as hanging out at family birthday party all in one weekend. Yup, they decided to make it a short family trip and get a photo session in with ME while they were here in town. Do I feel special? I sure do!!! How spoiled was I to also photograph their blonde-cheerleading babe, beautiful dancing brunette, and spiky-haired baseball hunk?!!! These three literally made it feel “like a day at the beach.” I’m usually either photographing just adults or newbies and tots, so when I get to hang out with the big kids, I feel like I a sixth grade teacher all over again. Except…instead of hearing whining because I assigned too much homework I get to hear the fun stuff about boys and latest trends in clothing. Cam and Kristine, thank you for being super cute and allowing me into your lives for a peek of how life is with three teenage (and pre-teen) kids. You guys make it look easy with your kiddos that were ever so uberly-well-behaved!


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Abbie. Newborn. Los Angeles Newborn Photographer.

Precious little Abbie was born a few days early. She arrived on April 30th when her due date was May 2nd. This gal weighed  6.17 pounds and 19 inches. Her mommy, Erika, may have had a c-section, but bounced right back in no time. Go mom! To say I’m delighted for Erika and Ryan is an understatement because in just a few months I will photograph this sweet family of three’s  (now) wedding. We were all chatting about how adorable Abbie might look as a flower girl. I think she deserves that job for sure! Stayed tuned folks, stay tuned! Congratulations Rafael family you make having a newborn seem effortless!2014-05-22_00322014-05-22_00422014-05-22_00392014-05-22_00412014-05-22_00402014-05-22_00252014-05-22_00262014-05-22_00272014-05-22_00292014-05-22_00302014-05-22_00352014-05-22_00582014-05-22_00332014-05-22_00342014-05-22_00312014-05-22_00282014-05-22_00372014-05-22_00432014-05-22_00452014-05-22_00442014-05-22_00472014-05-22_00462014-05-22_00482014-05-22_00502014-05-22_00492014-05-22_00512014-05-22_00522014-05-22_00532014-05-22_00562014-05-22_00542014-05-22_00552014-05-22_00572014-05-22_0036

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Sedona & Austin. Children. Los Angeles Child Photographer.

These two! Sedona (6 years) and Austin (7 months) are named after cities, so what better place to have a sister and brother session right in the heart of the city they live in, Echo Park. She likes Hello Kitty and he enjoys toy cars. Together they like to giggle and snuggle. Sedona, like most big sisters, loves to give him lots of hugs and kisses, and like any boy, her brother is just realizing all that ooey gooey stuff is a little gross. So he likes to wiggle out of her tight grip and she just laughs it off. Throughout the session both kiddies were posing like perfect little statues. Sedona was super charming. She danced, kart wheeled, and was pretty much fully animated the entire time I was snapping away. At the end she even serenaded me with my son’s favorite song, “Let it Go.” Austin was a chill little dude. He laughed, rolled over a bit, and played wherever we sat him. Sedona and Austin’s mama is one lucky ducky! She’s got a precious pair! sab1sab2sab3sab4sab5sab6sab7sab8sab9sab10sab11sab12sab13sab14sab15sab16sab17sab18sab19sab20sab21sab22sab23sab24sab25sab26sab27sab28sab29sab30sab31sab32sab33sab34sab35

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Ruby. Smash. Los Angeles Smash The Cake Photographer.

Little Miss Ruby Zelda is in a league of her own. She is as adorable as her cute little orange Mexican huaraches. Ruby is turning one and here is her circus-themed Smash session. I kinda wanted to borrow all of her outfits, well for my daughter of course. Aside from all her smiles and silly faces, her favorite leisure activities are listening to songs (best sung by her dad) and dressing up in all of the creative little getups that her mom puts together. Happy Birthday Ruby Red (what I like to call her).

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Annie, Don & Baby Max. Holiday. Los Angeles Family Photographer.

Meet Annie and her adorable family. We have oodles and oodles in common. We started photography as a second career/hobby, now its oh so much more than that.  We were pregnant at the same time, met one another at a photography workshop, and have an immense amount of crafty and creative ideas…way more than our poor minds and hubbies can handle. Annie, you are as cute as your name and I am glad we met and have become friends. I just want to eat up your son. He’s so cute, but I’ll settle for his sweet cheeks. Your husband is so kind and patient, please tell him I said hello!ab1ab4ab5ab6ab7ab8ab9ab10ab11


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Apple Picking. Personal. Southern California Family Photography.

Traditions make memories. Growing up, the traditions that my family created are what made the holidays even more magical. I would look forward to the simplest things that my parents, mostly my mom, would try and create with the little money we had. Some families have the same traditions as ours, like “school shopping” all in one weekend. During the summers our tradition was to spend back-to-back days at the library and weekends in search of free museums. Our Halloween costumes were always made by my grandmother. For Thanksgiving, someone, usually myself, makes my Nana’s stuffing and no matter what the weather is like, we all wear dresses to dinner. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is to open a gift from my mom on Christmas Eve, it is always a new pair of pajamas. They aren’t just any plain ole’ solid colored cotton collared pj set either. Nope. My mommy always tries to find the cutest and most unique type of sleepwear because plain old pjs would get boring year after year. And well, she knows we all love the years when we get a new set of Hello Kitty or old school footsie ones. The list could really go on and on for Christmas traditions, but lets move on before I start writing a novel. On new years Eve we always create our own ice cream called “shlop.” This tradition started a little late, after I was in college. I lived DC for a while and one of my roomies taught me how to make this ah-maze-ing dessert. It’s a take on Cold Stone Creamery’s treats. Basically you just get your favorite ice cream flavor (ours is vanilla) and all the candy and cookies that you want to mix in with the ice cream. You crush up the cookies and candies, then mix in the vanilla ice cream. You put it back in the freezer to harden and then when it hardens a little, you take it out and devour! For the love day (Valentine’s Day) my mom is cute and tries to get us little nicknacks like hanging heart lights or something cute from the dollar tree. Oh and I can’t forget The Three King’s Day, which falls on January 6th. I’m pretty sure this is a Mexican/Latin tradition, but we put our shoes out on the 5th and the story goes that The Three Kings come by and fill them with goodies because they brought baby Jesus gifts. To this day, we still get our shoes filled.  But the one tradition that makes my heart melt like real butter on white toasted bread is when it was our birthday and my mom would deliver a McDonald’s Happy Meal with a single balloon attached for our school lunch. As kids my family didn’t have much money to spend on eating out or getting a toy just because. My parents were young and still in school, so getting McDonald’s was an extra special treat. Although we aren’t in elementary school anymore, my mom still has balloons waiting for us at home with our favorite meal, which is either made or we go out and have dinner together.

Now why I am sharing all of my family’s personal traditions? Sometimes we forget the little things that make our lives special, or the people that created unforgettable memories that we will always cherish. Yes, sadly at times I take my mom for granted (I am human) because we are so close in age that I forget she isn’t just like an older nagging sister, but actually my loving mother that has taught me these traditions that make the holidays even more special for our family. I want to keep these traditions alive for my little family too. I hope my children will do the same with the traditions my mom has created and the new one’s that I have started as well. Thank you mommy, I love you!

To my honey bunnies, these memories are for you. Our second annual trip to Riley’s Farm. The best way to kick off Fall. rf1While I was uploading these photos I was trying to decide if the house or the bench was leaning….so I made both lean. Ha!
rf2rf3I adore him.rf4The best Nina ever-no really!rf5rf6rf7I hope my grandkids love me as much as he loves her.rf8rf9Bad light, hilarious photo.rf10rf11rf12rf13rf14rf15rf16rf17This one is my favorite!rf18In his words, “Silly Nani!”rf19rf20rf21rf23rf24rf25rf26rf27Time to make the delish apple cider.rf28rf29rf30rf31rf32rf33rf34

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