Happy Birthday Nicholas and Daniel

I remember the days when my younger sister and I celebrated our birthdays together with one extravagant birthday party. I’m exaggerating. They weren’t exactly extravagant as the definition defines the word, but as little girls, anything pink with a cartoon character slapped on it that results in candy and cake, was pretty darn extravagant to us. My mom did what she could with the little she had and boy did we enjoy her thoughtfulness. Recently, I got to spend my time capturing Nicholas and Daniel’s birthday party. Their birth days are very close, so it would only make sense that they would celebrate turing eight and five together. Their creative mommy and daddy dreamt up a whopper of a theme, a Circus! Under the big top, tons of little boys and girls got to play games, win tickets AND fish, and get their faces painted. You can see here that Nicholas and Daniel are two sweet and silly birthday boys.


Look at the pop corn cupcakes…I mean wow even the butter looks real!

I had a love dislike relationship with the dart board game. I loved the idea and colors. I totally disliked how the kids were so good at it they almost got me in the eye:(

Face painters are a win-win with kids. 

The boys’ mommy is my kinda mom. She wanted everyone to take a family picture with the clown-nose prop. They came out fantastic!

Hulla hooping. My fave. Let’s just say if I wasn’t photographing I would have got in on the mix!

Happy Birthday boys! 

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